Arvada Water Treatment Plant - NSF 600 Compliant Lining

Elevation Product Representatives 

Linings for quick turn-around raw water channels

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Project Overview: The Arvada Water Treatment Plant, located in [City, State], is a critical facility responsible for providing safe and reliable drinking water to the residents of the city. To maintain the highest standards of water quality, the plant embarked on a crucial project to refurbish the raw water channel. The challenge was to find a NSF 600 compliant lining that could be applied quickly, allowing the channel to return to service within a tight timeframe of 24-48 hours.

Project Objectives:

  1. To refurbish the raw water channel with a NSF 600 compliant lining.
  2. Minimize downtime for the raw water channel to ensure uninterrupted water treatment plant operations.
  3. Select a high-performance coating system that meets stringent industry standards for water quality and safety.

Challenges: The primary challenge of this project was the limited downtime available for the raw water channel, which was a critical path for the entire water treatment plant. The channel could only be out of service for a maximum of 36-48 hours. Finding a lining solution that met NSF 600 requirements and could be applied and cured within this short timeframe was paramount.

Solution: Tnemec, a leading coatings manufacturer with a strong reputation for innovative solutions, was approached for their expertise. After thorough analysis and collaboration with the coatings engineer and coatings applicator, Tnemec recommended the use of Tnemec EpoxyTec CCP Trowel liner.

Key Benefits of Tnemec EpoxyTec CCP Trowel Liner:

  • NSF 600 compliant: Meets the highest industry standards for potable water coatings, ensuring the safety and quality of the treated water.
  • Rapid curing: The trowel-applied lining system cures quickly, allowing the raw water channel to return to service within 24 hours.
  • High chemical resistance: Provides excellent resistance against the harsh chemicals often encountered in water treatment processes.
  • Durable: Offers long-term protection against corrosion and wear, extending the service life of the raw water channel.

Collaborative Approach: Tnemec worked closely with the contractor and coatings applicator to create custom construction details tailored to the specific needs of the Arvada Water Treatment Plant. This collaborative effort ensured the successful application of the Tnemec EpoxyTec CCP Trowel liner within the strict timeframe.

Project Outcome: The project was a resounding success, with the raw water channel refurbished and the water treatment plant back online within the necessary timeframe. The NSF 600 compliant Tnemec EpoxyTec CCP Trowel liner provided the required protection while ensuring the city of Arvada could continue to deliver safe and reliable drinking water to its residents.

This project exemplifies Tnemec's commitment to innovation, quality, and collaboration in addressing the unique challenges faced by critical infrastructure facilities like the Arvada Water Treatment Plant.


Project Details:

  • Location: Arvada, CO
  • Coating System: Tnemec EpoxyTec CCP Trowel Liner
  • Compliance: NSF 600
  • Downtime: 36-48 hours
  • Project Completion: March 2023
  • Coatings Applicator: Applewood Painting

For more information about Tnemec coatings and solutions, please visit our website or contact our team.

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