Connestee Falls NC Tank

Coating Consultant : TSE

A private system's water tank coatings and linings using an NSF 600 linings system for the interior and a fluoropolymer system on the exterior. Equals a great-looking tank and unmatched performance and lifecycle.

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Blue Granite was looking to rehab the Conestee Falls tank for a residential neighborhood and needed to ensure the best coatings for the interior and exterior of their tank.  Austin Windham with TSE was able to help design the exterior complete rehab using Tnemec Series 94h20 HydroZinc  as a primer, Tnemec Series 1095 EnduraShield for the intermediate coat and Tnemec Series 700 HydroFlon as the finish coat.  This premier exterior system is able to provide superior galvanic protection due to the zinc-rich primer as well as the best color and gloss on the market for a fluid-applied coating with Tnemec's HydroFlon fluoropolymer.  On the interior of the tank, Austin was able to update their coating system specification to include the recently updated NSF 600 certified Tnemec Series 21 Epoxoline.  Adding this to the same Tnemec 94H20 HydroZinc primer that was used on the exterior for a two-coat interior system provided the best interior potable water lining system available.  These competitive coating systems can easily provide a 25-30 year lifecycle.  In the end, this tank is now looking new again and will provide decades of protection and performance thanks to the work of the project team and Tnemec's coatings.  


Blue Grainte Connestee Falls Tank Resize

Check out these other resources on water tank coatings

NSF 600

Zinc Rich Primers in Potable Water

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