Coating Consultant: Atlantic Coating Consultants

The 100-year-old Reading Railroad Viaduct in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania that was restored including rusted steel girders with a fluoropolymer coating system from Tnemec.

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“The project involved turning this rail line, consisting of rusted steel  and overgrown weeds, into beautiful green space with walking paths,  lighting and seating that the community could use,” explained Wally  Bates, local Tnemec representative. “It was especially gratifying to  be part of a project like this where the community rallied to turn a  rundown eyesore into a source of pride.” 

Located in the Center City District (CCD) of Philadelphia, Phase 1  of the project included restoring much of the existing steel along a  quarter-mile section of elevated train line that fell into disuse in 1984.  Added amenities were constructed of industrial-scale steel and wood  materials in keeping with preferences voiced by community groups  during neighborhood gatherings with project designers. 

“Ultraviolet (UV) light, weathering and rain were considerations on  all of the exposed steel girders and new metal components,” Bates  recalled. “The exposed steel was blasted clean by the coatings  contractor who applied a high-performance, protective coatings  system.” 

Existing and new steel components were primed with Series 90-97  Tneme-Zinc, an aromatic urethane, zinc-rich primer, followed by a  stripe coat of Series N69 Hi-Build Epoxoline II, an advanced generation  epoxy, which resists abrasion and chemical contact exposure. 

The specified intermediate coat was Series 73 Endura-Shield, an  aliphatic acrylic polyurethane, which is highly resistant to extreme  weather conditions. A dark green colored finish coat of Series 1072V  Fluoronar, a low-VOC semi-gloss fluoropolymer coating, was specified  for its outstanding color and gloss retention. 

“Underside portions of the viaduct that were not exposed to UV light  were coated with epoxy,” Bates added. “Three overpasses spanning  roadways were especially challenging for the coating applicators, but  the work went smoothly without any delays.” 

The $10.3 million Rail Park features trees, woody shrubs, seating  platforms and benches, walkways and eight-foot-wide swings that  can seat up to 10 people. The Philadelphia Department of Parks and  Recreation is responsible for maintaining Phase 1 of the Rail Park,  which eventually could extend three miles.


Additional Project Resources

Studio Bryan Hanes project profile

Tnemec Fluoronar Brochure

High Performance Coatings for Architectural Steel




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