This project was undertaken for a private aviation hangar in Bellingham, Washington. The client sought to upgrade their hangar flooring to a high-perf...
Resinous flooring | Project Profiles

Central Arizona Shelter Serv...
The restrooms & showers at the CASS facility in Phoenix, AZ were in desperate need of a remodel. The design-build team selected high performance Tneme...
Market Type:
Architectural, Southwest Coating, Architects, Owners, Coatings for Cement, Resinous Flooring
Secondary containment coatin...
Here are some reasons why mortar/mat fiber-reinforced secondary containment coating systems (MRM) are often considered better:

NDSU Peltier Complex
NDSU's new Peltier Complex will provide a new home for:
Market Type:
Industrial, Architectural, Coatings for Cement, Resinous Flooring, Vivarium, Clean Room, Food & Beverage
Manufacturing Facility Resin...
This project was yet another home run from the Decorative Concrete Resurfacing (DCR) team located in High Point, NC. DCR partnered with Tnemec to prov...

City of phoenix lift station...
The City of Phoenix is rapidly expanding and is challenged by keeping up with enough water & wastewater treatment facilities. Phoenix has become a tar...
Market Type:
Water & Waste Treatment, Southwest Coating, New Construction, Engineers, Resinous Flooring
High School Concessions and ...
Steve Elliott and his team with Southern Painting and Maintenance Specialists did a great job of installing this Tnemec system that provided slip resi...

Howard Berry Water Treatment...
The 27,000 s.f. post-tensioned tank lid at the Howard Berry Water Treatment Plant was experiencing map cracking and mild concrete degradation. While...
Market Type:
Water Tanks, Elevation, General Contractors, Coatings for Cement, New Construction, Resinous Flooring
Graphics Packaging Warehouse
When the Graphics Packaging facilities department needed to fit-out a warehouse into a new manufacturing space, the consulted with Atlantic Coating Co...